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Pentecost Lutheran Church - Racine, Wisconsin

Pentecost Lutheran Church attempts to blend the traditional with the some of the contemporary, leaning toward the traditional. We use a traditional worship format, as found in the Lutheran Hymnal, as well as worship formats found in subscriptions services such as Creative Worship and occasionally create our own. Hymns such as "A Mighty Fortress is Our God" and "What a Friend We Have in Jesus," with organ and trumpets are often found in the same worship service as songs taught in vacation Bible school such as "Amigos de Christo," "He's a Peach of a Savior" and "Lord, I Lift Your Name on High," accompanied by guitar.

Pentecost Lutheran Church has a proud tradition of music in its worship. The willingness of our musicians and vocalists to participate in worship themselves as well as to work with our younger musicians to help them develop their God given musical talents is a unique and inspirational way to use the musical talents of our members and friends to the Glory of God. Several of our current musicians are second or third generation musicians at our church and several of our former members and friends regularly join our current musicians and vocalists in our worship when they return to town for visits of family and friends. Of course, the acceptance by the congregation of a variety of musical instruments and voices, in addition to a blend of traditional and developing songs and liturgies is what also makes this music in worship so special at Pentecost Lutheran Church.

Don't forget to visit our upcoming events page on our web site to see what is new and exciting at Pentecost!

Everyone is welcome! Families, friends and neighbors are encouraged to join us!

Visit ... pentecost-racine.org

Pentecost Lutheran Church
2213 Coolidge Avenue
Racine, Wisconsin 53403

Phone: 262- 633-9674

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