Tacoma Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com

Tacoma Christian Music
- ChristianMusic.com
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) - Tacoma, Washington

Our times of worship are a way to express our faith through the silence of prayer, the spoken word, and music. Throughout the year, there are many opportunities to gather as the church family to worship our God, the Creator of all, to give thanks for the gift of his Son, our Savior Jesus Christ, and to feel the power of the Holy Spirit moving through and in us.

Worship is an individual experience. People find different forms of worship meaningful and so we offer two different types of services on Sunday. Both services include scripture reading, prayer, sermon, communion, and music, but the way they are expressed differs in the services.

We have a traditional worship service in the sanctuary on Sunday mornings at 11:00 a.m. The music is a good blend of older and newer hymns, accompanied by a pipe organ, with additional music provided by our Chancel Choir. Communion is led by the Pastor and Elders and is served to the congregation by members of the Diaconate.

Our 6:00 p.m. Sunday evening service is a more informal service and is held in the chapel. The music is primarily praise music, accompanied by a piano, and is led by a small group of singers in the Praise Team. Communion is led by members of the laity; people go forward to break off a piece of bread and dip it in the cup to share in the Lord's Supper.

Usually on the last Saturday night of the month, we have a Fun Night. The activities vary from month to month and are appropriate for all ages. These have included game nights (with board games), singing and instrumental music programs, comedy nights with local stand-up comedians, volleyball, and an "Improv Night". The main goal of Fun Night at FCC is to have FUN, whether you are a single or married, older or younger!!!

For more information...

Visit: first-christian.org

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
602 North Orchard Street
Tacoma, Washington 98406

Phone: 253-752-7734

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