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Leesburg Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church - Leesburg, Virginia

Enlightened spiritual growth, stimulating worship, and active outreach is the vision of God’s people at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. Growing together spiritually our family will embody Christ’s teachings to make us disciples of God.

Worship Schedule
Sundays: 8:30am and 11:00am Holy Communion Services.

Wednesday Night, LIVE! is a weekly midweek ministry that allows people to gather for dinner, education, music and fellowship. As we begin our 10th year, we will continue many of our traditions, as well as, update our look.

Our Music Ministry

Adult Chancel Choir
The choir sings at the 11:00 a.m. church service during the months of September through June.

Children's Choir
Kindergarten - 2nd Grade and 3rd - 7th Grade. The choirs sing once a month at the 11:00 service during the months of November through May.

Organ preludes precede each service, and postludes follow each service.

The Lutheran Book of Worship is used for service liturgy and hymns. The supplement With One Voice is occasionally used for hymns as well.

As we have entered the new century, we look at the future challenges and opportunities with faith in God and fervent love towards one another. Because God tells us that our history is HIS STORY.

Visit... htlc-va.com

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
605 W. Market Street
Leesburg, Virginia 20176
Phone: 703-777-4912

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