Harrisonburg Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com

Harrisonburg Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com
Hinton Avenue United Methodist Church - Harrisonburg, Virginia

Hinton Avenue United Methodist Church will be an inviting, active, church home where all God's people are welcomed to learn, worship, grow, and share communion together, going forth in love to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to others throughout our community and the world.

The Music Ministry at HUMC borrows its motto from the inscription J. S. Bach wrote on the top of each of his many musical scores: SOLI DEO GLORIA – "to the glory of God alone."

The planning and execution of instrumental and vocal music follows the liturgical calendar to provide music appropriate to the season and the scripture, music that augments and enlivens the delivery of the Gospel message. Thoughtful consideration is given to each Sunday’s scripture lessons as well as other special events in the life of the church in order to afford a holistic worship experience that encourages robust participatory singing, prayerful reflection and meditation, and meaningful incorporation of the Gospel message into the life of each congregant.

The Chancel Choir welcomes ages 18 to infinity and sings every Sunday at the 11 am worship service and offers special music on Ash Wednesday, during Holy Week, and during Advent and Christmas.

Music for Children is offered during Children's Church every Sunday morning during the 11AM worship service.

The Handbell Choir rings its holy noise with a three octave set of cast bronze handbells and welcomes ages 8 to infinity. This joyfully noisy group provides special music at various times throughout the year.

We welcome you and encourage you to join us.

Visit... hintonavenueumc.org

Hinton Avenue United Methodist Church
750 Hinton Avenue
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
Phone: 434-293-7049

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