Hampton Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com

Hampton Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com
Emmanuel Episcopal Church - Hampton, Virginia

The tradition of music in the Episcopal Church is very rich. At Emmanuel we draw from the best of many styles of church music, creating an atmosphere where everyone can in some way express their faith through music. The music program is an integral part of the life and worship of our parish, believing, as we do, that? "beauty is a reflection of the divine." Since we are a community, our healthy participation in singing the hymns and service music is the most important music-making task.

Music at Emmanuel is an offering presented by various groups. The Senior Choir sings hymns every week at the 10:15 service and performs 2-3 anthems each month.

There are two choirs for younger members of Emmanuel. The Inspire Choir and the Junior Choristers. Children and teens from 4th grade and up sing in the Inspire Choir, and younger grade-school children sing with the Choristers. These groups perform at least once a month.

Emmanuel Ringers, called the Rejoice Ringers, is the name of our handbell choir. They perform psalms weekly, and accompany some hymns with the organ. Occasional anthems are also performed.

Instruments at Emmanuel: The church installed a 3-manual Rodgers Digital Organ in September 2006. This fine new instrument has greatly increased the flexibility of the music program, as well as filling our worship space with traditional sounds and musical images which have been an important part of the history of the Anglican Church. The instrument has a separate antiphonal division that includes a powerful "Festival Trumpet" stop for major liturgical events. Other instruments used in worship include a Yamaha grand piano, and a custom-built harpsichord. Extra musicians are used at special events.

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Emmanuel Episcopal Church
179 East Mercury Boulevard
Hampton, Virginia 23669
Phone: 757-723-8144

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