Fairfax Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com

We hope you will be nourished and sustained by your experiences at FPC as we provide avenues for renewal, fellowship, mission, and growth in Christ.

We strive to serve each other by preparing the heart, soul, and mind to worship our Creator, Sustainer, and Redeemer through preaching of the Word, corporate prayer, praise in song, and in the celebration of the Sacraments. This church family reflects a diversity of religious and geographic backgrounds.

Music can play a significant role in the shaping of our lives, especially in early childhood. How we feel, how we respond and how we express ourselves throughout our lifetime can be positively affected by our early exposure and experiences in music. So it’s the desire of those in ministry to our children to give them the best opportunities we can provide to develop in this wonderful gift from God.

Carol Choir (pre-K, K & 1)
These children develop comfort and skills in moving, singing, playing instruments and understanding God and their role in worship.

Radiant Ringers
This handbell group helps those early in their ringing experience to learn the basic skills needed and contribute to worship services several times each year.

Joyful Ringers
The Joyful Ringers is a bell choir of adult and college age participants. This advanced bell choir rings 3-5 octaves of handbells for worship services, for accompaniments of anthems and in occasional special music programs and concerts.

Chapel Choir (grades 2-5)
These children build skills in part singing, playing instruments and growing in their understanding of worship and leadership. They contribute in worship at least once each month during the school year.

Teen Choir (grades 6-8)

Encounter Praise Team
Lead the worship services on the fourth Sunday of each month beginning in June.

Choir 101 (sanctuary/teen)
This group offers an opportunity for those from grade 7 through adults to develop the vocal and musical skills to sing together in worship. Thursday nights the Sanctuary Choir, our most experienced singers, come alongside these folks who want to learn to prepare music that is offered once each month.

Sanctuary Choir (experienced adult singers)
This choir provides musical elements in the worship at FPC on a weekly basis. Introits, anthems, benedictions and enhancements to the hymnody of the congregation are regular features of the choir’s preparation. In addition to this, these singers prepare two significant music programs each year. In the summer, this choir becomes the Sunday Morning Singers.

Instrumental Ensemble
The Instrumental Ensemble offers music in the fall with instrumentalists within the same section.

Our Gress-Miles Organ
There’s more to an organ than meets the eye. Those magnificent 66 pipes you see in front are just a fraction of the pipes you hear. This organ has a total of 1861 pipes! The rest of them are behind the facade, in the space that extends back over the coat racks to the Narthex wall. To produce the variety of sounds you hear every Sunday, there are pipes in a variety of shapes and sizes. The largest are 16 feet long. The smallest are just an inch or two in length.

Sermons - Missed a sermon? Want to take a closer look at the message? Read the sermons on-line on our web site.

You can listen to samples of our choirs music through the Music section of our web site..

Visit ... fairfaxpresby.com

Fairfax Presbyterian Church
10723 Main Street
Fairfax, Virginia 22030
Phone: 703-273-5300

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