Chesapeake Christian Music -

Chesapeake Christian Music
Great Bridge Presbyterian Church - Chesapeake, Virginia

If you are a guest to our church, we want to welcome you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Great Bridge Presbyterian Church strives to be a warm and welcoming family always open to adding new brothers and sisters. As a guest, you are welcome to take advantage of all the programs and ministries that are offered.

Worship Service Schedule Sunday Mornings

Contemporary Worship - 8:30 am & 11:15 am
The contemporary worship service is designed to offer an alternative worship experience focused on celebrating our life with Christ through contemporary music and refreshing worship. This service is characterized by a relaxed and informal atmosphere where congregational participation is encouraged. Worship music is led by the Worship Team, a group of musicians dedicated to worship and ministry.


Traditional Worship - 9:45 am

On any given Sunday at GBPC some or all of these joyful instruments can be heard in our fresh and innovative traditional service. We seek to celebrate our life with Christ through a variety of music while offering biblical teaching that is practical, inspiring and Christ-centered. While our worship format is in the Reformed tradition, we seek to offer a mix of music that includes classical, both past and present, gospel, multi-cultural, contemporary, Taizé, and spirituals. On any given Sunday, we might welcome our Flute Choir, one of our three children’s choirs, one of our hand bell choirs or guest musicians from the area often from the Virginia Symphony Orchestra. Each Sunday our dedicated singers in the Chancel choir help to lead worship. Both our new Allen Quantum organ and our Steinway piano are used to enhance the worship experience, creating exuberant worship as well as opportunities for meditative moments.

Visit our web site for information on our Candlelight Concert Series and other musical events.

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Great Bridge Presbyterian Church
333 Cedar Road
Chesapeake, Virginia 23322

Phone: 757-547-4706 * *
