Arlington Christian Music -

Arlington Christian Music -
Trinity Episcopal Church - Arlington, Virginia

This is God’s house, home of all God’s people, school for the faithful, refuge for the sinner, rest for the pilgrims, haven for the weary. We are strengthening and creating community in christ's name in the Columbia Pike area and beyond.

Sunday Morning Worship Options
Holy Eucharist Rite I
A quiet, contemplative service centered in Word and Sacrament that lasts from 45 to 60 minutes.

Especially well suited for those who experience the Holy Spirit best through readings, prayer and Holy Communion; and for those who enjoy the intimacy of a smaller worshipping community where silence and the spoken Word invite us into deeper relationship with God.

Holy Eucharist Rite II
A spirited service with contemporary language, a special Kid’s sermon and compelling music of various genres. Through our comprehensive bulletin, we eliminate the need for juggling skills and/or wondering what comes next.

Worship is enhanced by engaging sermons that have modern day relevance, an adult choir, The Trinity Singers (our younger voices), a hand bell choir and instrumentalists, Holy Communion and Coffee Hour in the Narthex (rear church foyer) or on the Lawn.

Our kids play special roles as acolytes, readers, oblation bearers, junior ushers and greeters. We provide Nursery Care and a new sound system that allows you to hear the service even when leaving the church nave is necessary.

Morning Prayer with Healing Rite - 1st Sundays
Morning Prayer invites us into deeper intimacy and conversation with God through the balance it strikes between penitence and praise, hearing and responding, supplication and thanksgiving.

At Trinity, this service includes the singing of psalms and hymns of praise, the reading of Scripture, a teaching on spiritual growth, corporate prayers for the healing needs of the Church and the world, the laying on of hand for healing, and the Offertory.

Visit the Worship & Liturgy section of our web site for up-to-date service schedules.

The mission of music at Trinity Episcopal Church is to praise God through the harmonious correlation of music and liturgy, giving life, beauty, meaning, purpose and glory in our worship of God.

As a welcoming multicultural congregation with constituents of Anglo-European, African-American, Indian, Chinese and African descent, we at Trinity enjoy singing and understand praise to be the most important role of music in worship. Our choirs are accustomed to singing a broad spectrum of music with concentration in uplifting traditional and contemporary music drawn from The Hymnal 1982, Lift Every Voice and Sing II, Wonder, Love and Praise and Voices Found. Worship music is enhanced by a state of the art Model MDS Allen Organ, a three-octave set of English handbells, two pianos a “portative” pipe organ along with parish and community instrumentalists.

Trinity’s Adult Choir sings during Sunday services and special services such as Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Christmas Eve.

Trinity Singers (Kids’ Choir) sing several times each year. The highlight of our Kids’ music program is the Christmas Eve musical.

Trinity Ringers (Handbell Choir) ring during worship September through May.

Join us as we offer praise to God through word and song.

Trinity Episcopal Church
2217 Columbia Pike
Arlington, VA 22204
Phone: 703-920-7077 * * *
