Alexandria Christian Music -

Alexandria Christian Music
Saint Paul's Episcopal Church - Alexandria, Virginia

St. Paul's is a vibrant and growing church. It is the spiritual home to a diverse and active congregation.

We offer four services every Sunday, including a family service structured to be more inviting to young children, a midweek Eucharist, and daily Morning Prayer services.

Music Ministries at St. Paul’s engage the church and community. St. Paul’s music ministries encourage participation from the pews to the musician’s gallery, offering opportunities for all ages and abilities to make music to the glory of God. We recognize the dynamic, affirming and worshipful act of music making as a gift from God that unifies, inspires, delights, expresses, comforts and challenges us. Music, along with all of our liturgical actions, shapes God’s people to live lives worthy of our calling through Jesus Christ our Lord. Through musical excellence, we proclaim the story of God’s mighty acts in all of creation, we affirm the word and sacraments of the church, we nurture relationships with God and one another and we open our doors to the world through our liturgies and concerts. Everyone at St. Paul’s actively participates in music making, from the pews to the music gallery, in the celebratory act of praising and thanking God.

St. Paul's Choir (changed voices through adult) leads the 11:00 a.m. Sunday liturgy from September through mid-June in addition to Thanksgiving Eve, Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, Holy Week and Choral Evensong services. Advent Lessons and Carols is sung on Advent III and a sung mass is presented one Sunday in Lent.

Gospel Choir (intergenerational) summer choir. With the more relaxed pace of summer, comes the more relaxed Summer Choir at St. Paul’s. English Hymn-writer Isaac Watts is considered the "father of spirituals and Gospel music" in this country.

Ars Choralis (adults) St. Paul’s resident community choir of up to 44 voices. Repertoire spans the timeless choral music of sacred traditions.

St. Cecilia Choir (Grade 3 through changed voices) is an affiliate graded choir program of the Royal School of Church Music training scheme, “Voice for Life.” The St. Cecilia Choir leads worship at the 9:00 a.m. Sunday service from September through May.

Cherub Choir (Grades Pre-K through 2) is directed by a St. Paul’s Music Associate meeting each Sunday from 10:00 until 10:45. This choir encourages music making in body, mind and spirit through singing and color-coded handbell ringing. The Cherub Choir sings two Sundays monthly at alternating services.

Generations (Grade 3 through adult) formerly known as the Youth Handbell Ensemble, is an intergenerational handbell choir incorporating all ages and backgrounds in the unifying act of ringing music. The ringers play two Sundays each month in alternating services.

Good Shepherd Ringers (Grade 9 through adult) participate in Sunday liturgies twice monthly, Advent Lessons and Carols, and Christmas Eve at the 6:00 p.m.

Musical instrumentalists from the congregation often make melody to the Lord in liturgies with their musical instruments as soloists, in ensembles and with congregational sing.

Liturgies and concerts grow relationships with God and one another. Music and Spirit Healing Service and Contemplative Prayer bring together the ancient worship elements of the Daily Office of Compline incorporating contemporary music from the Taize and Iona traditions, intercessory prayer, sacred scripture, healing rite and periods of silence. Sessions take place in the Chapel of the Good Shepherd on the second Wednesday of the month, September through May, from 7:45 p.m. until 8:30 p.m.

Choral Evensong is a sung service by clergy and the choir with a tradition steeped in the history of the monastic and collegiate traditions of the Anglican Church. Following the form for Evening from the Book of Common Prayer, the service embodies the corporate prayers of those assembled on behalf of God’s universe. Choral Evensong takes place on four Sundays each season at 5:00 PM.

Concerts celebrate the gifts of God’s people at St. Paul’s. Special 30-minute organ recitals by area organists take place every Thursday at noon during the holy seasons of Advent and Lent.

Visit our web site for information on our current and upcoming musical events.

Saint Paul's Episcopal Church
228 South Pitt Street
Alexandria, Virginia 22314

Phone: 703-549-3312 * *
