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College Street Congregational Church


Musical Ministry

College Street Congregational Church is blessed with a flourishing music program that continually inspires, surprises, and delights the congregation. Whether it is an organ prelude, an uplifting choral anthem, a harpsichord solo, a humorous children's song, the ethereal sound of bells or a rousing hymn, the dedication and commitment to a high standard are always evident.

The Adult Choir is made up of thirty-plus blended and balanced voices. One of the goals of the music ministry is to provide a varied repertoire of high quality. Included are classical pieces from all periods, folk songs, gospel, spirituals, and selections from oratorios. Some of the larger works in the repertoire include Shubert's "Mass in G," Vivaldi's "Gloria," and recently John Rutter's Requiem presented in worship with an instrumental chamber ensemble.

Although there are many trained singers and music readers in the group, it is an entirely volunteer choir which is always happy to welcome new members. The choir sings at all worship services from September through June and provides smaller vocal ensembles during the summer months of July and August. Rehearsals take place in the Perkins Room on Thursday evenings. The men's section begins at 7:00 followed by the entire choir from 7:30-9:00. On Sunday morning the choir meets at 9:00 for additional practice and preparation for worship.

The Youth Vocal/Chime Choir includes children from the age of seven to thirteen and participates in worship once a month. Rehearsals take place after Sunday worship from 11:30 to 12:30, beginning in late September and continuing through May. Part of the rehearsal time is spent improving vocal skill through warm-ups and singing with the rest devoted to learning to read music through the use of choir chimes. This is a challenging, practical, and fun way to learn the basics of music. The children, who often sing with the adult choir, have also played and sung with the bell choir.

The Bell Choir, under the creative direction of Laura Nassau, uses a 3-octave set of bells with the occasional addition of recorders, percussion and other instruments for added tone color. There are from eight to eleven ringers who rehearse on Thursday evening from 6:00 to 7:30 and play for worship once a month. New members are more than welcome! Reading music is helpful but not a requirement.

Our Music Director, Yona Yellin, has been playing organ, directing choirs and teaching music for over 35 years. She has been at College Street since the spring of 1986.


"Doing Good Together"

From its very beginning in 1860 the College Street Congregational Church (CSCC) has been an active faith community, which responds to the needy in the world. Its founders sought more "freedom of thought and action" than they had been accustomed to, and it has always taken seriously the Biblical injunction "to do justice and love mercy.”

The CSCC mission is to help people be transformed by God and thereby begin to transform the world in God's image. Through faithful giving and participation, CSCC strives to help people to help themselves and thereby support the mission of this Church and that of the United Church of Christ in Vermont, in the nation, and in the world.


Visit ... collegestreetchurchvt.org

College Street Congregational Church
UCC logo United Church of Christ
265 College Street,
Burlington, Vermont 05401
Phone: 802-864-7704


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