Wichita Falls Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com

Wichita Falls Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com
First Presbyterian Church - Wichita Falls, Texas

We are a Christian church family, bound together by love and faith and by our commitment to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. For over a century First Presbyterian Church, as a concerned and caring congregation, has been proclaiming the Good News and serving others.

The primary purpose of the music ministry program at First Presbyterian Church is to enhance the overall worship experience of the church membership. Additionally, the music program fosters the growth and education of music in the church, principally through its children’s choirs and adult ensembles.

Children’s and youth ensembles at FPC include the Caroler Choir, Chorister Choir, Chapel Chimes, and Westminster Choir.

Adult ensembles include the Contemporary Praise Band, Sanctuary Handbell Choir, Handbell Ensemble, Vocal Chamber Ensemble, and Sanctuary Choir.

Those with a love of music are welcome and are encouraged to participate.

3601 Taft Blvd, Wichita Falls, Texas 76308

940 767-2547

Please visit us at: FirstPrs.org


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