Wichita Falls Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com

Wichita Falls Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com
First Baptist Church - Wichita Falls, Texas

Come and enjoy our powerful and dynamic Worship Services at First Baptist Church! You and your family will feel welcome from the moment you arrive!

Blended Worship Service

This exciting worship celebration includes a 100-Voice Worship Choir, Praise Teams, Worship Orchestra and various instrumental and vocal groups. Experience the Brooklyn Tabernacle-style praise and worship of the choir, soloists and praise teams, as well as inspirational hymns of the faith. The blend of musical styles coupled with an inspiring message brings unbelievable joy and excitement as we gather to worship.

An emphasis on praise and worship is evident each week as the Worship Choir and Orchestra participate in Sunday worship services. Throughout the year, there are holiday concerts and programs, such as Easter, the Fourth of July and Christmas celebrations.

Contemporary Worship Service

Join with hundreds of people every week in a God centered contemporary style of worship. Every week is an authentic experience with our Praise & Worship Band leading and focusing our hearts in worship. This is a "come as you are" style of service dedicated to making people of all ages feel at home.

Worship Choir
The Worship Choir leads in worship each Sunday and presents exciting concerts throughout the year.

Worship Orchestra
The Worship Orchestra is a vital part of our worship experience, joining with the Choir and Praise Team each Sunday to lead in celebration and worship. They also present instrumental concerts at other times during the year, including: Summer in the Park, North Texas Band and Orchestra festival, and Sounds of the Season.


Instrumental Ensembles
Various instrumental ensembles play for special occasions and worship services.

Praise Bands
Ongoing Praise Bands perform in our weekly worship services, both in the blended worship and in the contemporary worship service.

Handbell Choirs
Partake in special occasions, especially at Christmas and other seasonal events.

Glory Choir
The Glory Choir is comprised of Senior Adults ages 55 and older. This ageless group of over 130 senior adults not only enjoys encouraging fellowship, but is a major outreach to the community and travels extensively, sharing their music around the country. The Glory Choir has traveled to Vancouver, British Columbia; Boston, Maine (and neighboring New England states); New York City; Nashville, Tennessee; Washington, D.C. and Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Other trips have taken them to nearby states and intra-Texas tours. Coming in 2005 and 2006 are tours to San Francisco and San Diego.

Youth Music and Youth Orchestra

Students in grades 9 through 12 who sing or play a band or orchestra instrument. The group performs throughout the year at numerous church functions, worship services, and venues in the city as well as neighboring communities. They attend several concerts during the year in Dallas, Fort Worth or Oklahoma City.

You are now able to purchase music CD's recorded by our Worship Choir and music arrangements written by our Music Minister on our web site.

Our sermons may be heard in both Windows Media Audio or MP3 from our web site along with information on their national / local television and radio broadcasts.

Visit... fbcwf.org

First Baptist Church
1200 Ninth Street
Wichita Falls, Texas 76301
Phone: 940-723-2764

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