Waco Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com

Waco Christian Music
- ChristianMusic.com
Calvary Baptist Church - Waco, Texas

Calvary Baptist Church was founded in 1928, at the corner of North 18th Street and Bosque Boulevard in Waco, Texas. One of the most interesting facts about our church's founding is that it came not from a "church split" like many churches, but from two churches joining together (Brook Avenue and Provident Heights churches). We are one in the body of Christ.

Worship is the foundation of our life together in the Calvary community. Each time we worship God together we ourselves are nourished, formed, and strengthened, then sent out to be the hands and feet of Jesus in the world.

Everybody has a desire to worship something. Our mission is to point worshippers to God and God’s gift of salvation in Jesus Christ. By the help and inspiration of the Holy Spirit, we accomplish this through exuberant, illuminating, and welcoming worship experiences. We gather to pray, sing, give God gifts, and receive God’s Word for us through Scripture and messages that apply the Bible to our lives as we live them each day.



If you are in our area, please join us this Sunday. If not, CDs of our Sunday morning sermons are available through the church office.

Visit ... cbcwaco.com

Calvary Baptist Church
1001 N 18th A Street
Waco, Texas 76707
Phone: 254-753-6446

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