Waco Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com

Waco Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com
Seventh & James Baptist Church - Waco, Texas

At Seventh & James Baptist Church, we offer a wide range of opportunities through which people of all ages can find a community of trust and accountability.

Here people may further their understanding of the implications of the Christian faith for everyday living and experience the joy and fulfillment of service.

Our Music Ministry
Adult Handbells
Sanctuary Choir

The experience of making and appreciating beautiful music is integral to our worship. All participants in our choirs and handbell choirs, be they children or senior adults, enjoy music and work toward integrating it into services of worship. Many pianists and organists enrich our services with their talent, and we regularly incorporate flutes and oboes into our choral anthems, offertories and other musical elements of worship. We enjoy an orchestra for the Christmas and Easter cantatas. Our musicians strive to do their best because music, at its best, is one of the most effective ways to praise and glorify our God.

To listen to a sermon or a complete worship service visit the Worship & Sermon section of our web site.

We invite you to take a look at our many ministries and opportunities for all ages. Check our Web site for the latest information on programs and ministries.

Visit ... seventhandjames.org

Seventh & James Baptist Church
602 James Avenue
Waco, Texas 76706
Phone: 254-753-6425

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