Tyler Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com

Tyler Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com
First Baptist Church -Tyler, Texas

In 1998, First Baptist Church of Tyler celebrated her Sesquicentennial, 150 years of sharing the good news of Jesus Christ in Tyler. Currently we have two locations, our downtown campus and our south campus.

"Our Mission First Baptist Church of Tyler is called to Exalt Jesus as Lord through worship Equip and Encourage believers to grow in Christ Evangelize a changing world through word, example and service."

The role of music in
worship and the congregational life
of any church is vitally important. First
Baptist, Tyler, has
had a long tradition
of excellence in Music Ministry.

Our Music Ministry

The Sanctuary Singers - our main service choir for the downtown campus of First Baptist Church, Tyler, and sings every Sunday in worship.

Worship Team - visit our web site to listen to samples of their music.

Vocal Project - an SATB mixed ensemble that meets on a project-oriented basis and sings for worship at our South Campus.

Friendship Choir - older and retired adults.

First Student Choir - students grades 6-12.

Since the mid 1960s First Baptist has televised an hour of Sunday morning worship on a network affiliate TV station. Another hour of praise and worship is cable cast each Sunday Evening over the local Tyler cable TV system. Our services are also broadcast over the radio. Visit our web site for station and time information.

If you find yourself in Tyler, we would very much look forward to seeing you in person.

Visit... fbctyler.org

First Baptist Church
301 West Ferguson
Tyler, Texas 75702
Phone: 903-595-1021

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