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Dallas Christian Music
- ChristianMusic.com
First Presbyterian Church - Dallas, Texas

For over 150 years, our congregation has held forth God’s word of love and life in the heart of our city and to the ends of the earth. We are thankful for God’s work in and through this community of faith. We are also confident God is working in and through your life today.

Worship is central to our life together at First Presbyterian Church.

Worship at First Presbyterian is both reformed and catholic. While treasuring the classical liturgies and musical forms, we embrace new forms and music that have scriptural, doctrinal and musical integrity.

First Presbyterian Church enjoys the rich talents of music in the congregation. From members of the Dallas and Fort Worth symphonies to amateur players with high school and college experience, members volunteer their time and talent.

There are musical opportunities at First Presbyterian for people of all ages and ranges of experience. From pre-school music time each Sunday morning, to carol chorister and youth choirs for K-12, adult choir, handbells and instrumental ensembles, First Presbyterian reaches out through music with psalms, hymns, and sacred songs.

Our brass ensemble rehearses regularly and plays in services about once per month. String and woodwind ensembles are assembled as opportunities arise. Four endowed special funds provide financial support for the services of professional instrumentalists. The church enjoys the use of a five-octave set of Malmark handbells, a three-octave set of Petit and Fritsen Dutch handbells, a full Orff Instrumentarium, as well as an extensive collection of percussion equipment including timpani and a trap-set, assorted Latin and African percussion instruments.

The church has a number of good pianos including the McCarty Memorial Steinway grand in the sanctuary and the Allman Memorial Baldwin grand in the chapel.

First Presbyterian Church has two outstanding mechanical-action pipe organs.

The Kate Frierson Memorial Organ in the sanctuary of the First Presbyterian Church was inaugurated in 1977. Built by Robert Sipe, it incorporates a significant amount of pipework from the previous E M Skinner organ which had been a gift of the W W Caruth family in 1929. The old and the new were artistically blended to create an instrument that serves magnificently in both service and recital.

The Sudie George Chapel houses an organ that was inspired by the instruments of Aristide Cavaille-Coll (France, 1811-1899). It was built by Dan Jaeckel in 1988 and is dedicated to the memory of W. Neill Stewart, Jr.

When you can't make it to First Presbyterian Church for a service, an event, or a Sunday School class, visit our web site for audio downloads of that content. We even have most audio available as podcasts so you can get your updates automatically.

Perhaps through your experience with our web site, you will consider joining us on the journey of faith.

Visit ... presbyterians.org

First Presbyterian Church
408 Park Avenue
Dallas, Texas 75201
Phone: 214-748-8051

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