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Dallas Christian Music
- ChristianMusic.com
Holy Trinity Catholic Church - Dallas, Texas

Welcome to Holy Trinity Catholic Church. For over one hundred years Holy Trinity has been serving the uptown community near Oak Lawn and Lemmon Avenue.

Holy Trinity Church has a proud tradition of making fine music for the past 100 years; music that serves as an offering of praise and thanksgiving to God. Our parish music ministry serves to inspire and uplift, providing a program as diverse as its people. At Holy Trinity, music for worship spans the entire treasury of the Church's repertoire, from Gregorian Chant and Renaissance motets to the most contemporary literature. Musical leadership at all Masses is provided by the volunteer choirs and cantors. Singing or playing in one of the choirs gives us the opportunity to enhance worship at our parish, to nourish community among choir members and with fellow parishioners, and to experience the opening of heart and spirit that is found in musical prayer.

The Holy Trinity Sanctuary Choir sings weekly at the Sunday, 11:00 am mass. The sanctuary choir sings a variety of styles from classical to contemporary. We present a choral rosary twice a year, in October and May, and perform a major work every November at our annual Memorial Concert. At Christmas, in addition to the regular liturgies, we have added a tradition of Lessons and Carols which is always followed by an informal celebration with Christmas songs and fun for the kids. Our year concludes in the late spring with our Pops Concert that gives us a chance to showcase the individual talents of choir members. With fundraisers through the year, our post-Christmas dinner, the spring banquet, and summer pool parties, they are a busy and fun-loving group.

The Schola Cantorum sings once a month at the 5:00 p.m. Saturday mass. The Schola is an auditioned group that draws from the Catholic Church's great classical tradition for its repertoire.

The Holy Trinity Handbells group contributes to the music of the liturgy throughout the year, particularly at Christmas, Easter and the great feast days.

The St. Vincent Men's Schola is a small men's ensemble that sings a cappella, four part music at occasional services, primarily the 9:00 a.m. Sunday liturgy.

The Happy Hour Band sings regularly at the Sunday evening mass at 5 p.m. The group uses guitars and piano to lead the congregation in folk and contemporary music that brings an informal and inspirational mood to the evening service.

The Coro provides musical support for the 12:30 pm Sunday mass in Spanish.

The Holy Trinity Sanctuary Choir has an archive of recordings available for purchase. CDs an be obtained by contacting the Director of Music.

Please take some time to explore our web site for information on our ministries and programs. You will find that Holy Trinity is truly a parish to come home to!

Visit ... htccd.org

Holy Trinity Catholic Church
3811 Oak Lawn Avenue
Dallas, Texas 75219
Phone: 214-526-8555

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