Jackson Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com

Jackson Christian Music
- ChristianMusic.com
Grace United Methodist Church - Jackson, Tennessee

Grace is a casual place. At any service or event, you are likely to see people of all ages and backgrounds, young and older, kids and adults. Some people wear blue jeans, some wear dressier clothes. It really doesn't matter. We're all there to get to know God more. It's that simple. Come as you are, where you are in your faith journey.

Our Services
We start off with music. You will experience some great music sang by the choir, soloists, or ensemble groups. Music may be piano, guitar, or other styles. It ranges from traditional hymns to contemporary songs--a nice blend.

The reason we come to church is to worship and remember the story of Jesus Christ. His life, death, and resurrection is the context in which we celebrate. Through song we can give praise and glory to God. We must offer up everything up to God as we bring our worship in song and music during a time of worship, praise, and prayer.

Our Chancel Choir is a group of worship leaders that lead God's people each Sunday morning during the 10:45 a.m. worship service by using a variety of musical presentations from Contemporary Christian Music to Traditional Hymns.

Contemporary Ensemble Quartet
This group sings on the last and first Sundays.

Kings and Queen Quartet
This quartet is a group of four talented singers who sing more traditional style hymns on selected worship services.

Are you looking for a new church home?

Come Experience Grace!

Visit ... graceumcjackson.org

Grace United Methodist Church
142 McClellan Road
Jackson, Tennessee 38305

Phone: 731-664-9118

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