Florence Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com

Florence Christian Music
- ChristianMusic.com
Calvary Baptist Church - Florence, South Carolina

Our commitment is to lead unbelievers and believers to become responsible followers of Jesus Christ. We believe the most important decision one makes is to receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and to follow Him.

Calvary Baptist Church is a great church with some of the finest people in Florence. It is our desire that all those who come here will experience some of the closest of friendships and a sense of belonging that can only come from being a part of the Family of God.

The power of music and its place in worship at Calvary has been solidified as members gather together weekly to enjoy the variety and power of God's Word proclaimed through music.

Audio of our services is available on our web site.

Come and experience this for yourself and use your talents and abilities to become a part of this great church.

Visit: calvarycares.com

Calvary Baptist Church
915 Cherokee Road
Florence, South Carolina 29501
Phone: 843-662-0418

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