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Harrisburg Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com
Pine Street Presbyterian Church - Harrisburg, PA


Worship in a Presbyterian Church is guided by a part of the constitution known as the Directory for Worship. The Directory, formulated in 1646, is a unique document. It tells us how to worship; that is, it provides the structure and direction, but does not tell us what forms and words we are to use in worship.

Here at Pine Street we are traditionalists in our worship. We attempt to be faithful to our tradition and to order our worship life according to the experience, insights, and affirmations of the Reformed tradition.

THE PSALM HYMN — This hymn is related to the theme of the scripture passages and is typically the lectionary psalm for that day. The hymn is sung between the reading of the Old and New Testament passages.


Pine Street Church supports a large and active music program. Its major focus is upon providing music which enhances the worship services of the congregation. To accomplish this, the Choir provides musical leadership at the eleven o’clock worship hour from September through June each season. They also sing on celebratory occasions such as the Feast of Christ the King, the Feast of the Transfiguration and Easter at the eight-thirty worship hour. On other Sundays, various other choirs of voices and bells, as well as vocal soloists provide musical leadership at the early service.

In addition to leading the worship of the congregation, the music program supports a series of musical events each season divided into three series

Our Music Ministry:

The Choir (often referred to as the Chancel Choir) is open to adults and young persons in high school and college. Its members are volunteers, supported by a quartet of paid professional singers who act as section leaders.

A smaller ensemble known as the Chamber Singers is drawn from the Choir, at the invitation of the Choirmaster, to sing at special services including Choral Evensong.

The Handbell Choir consists of twelve ringers who ring three to four octaves of Whitechapel Handbells during the musical season.

Middle School Handbell Choir, and Junior Choir.

You can access our Choir's Repertoire from our web site along with listen to our weekly sermons.

Visit ... PineStreet.org

Pine Street Presbyterian Church
310 N 3rd Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17101
Phone: (717) 238-9304

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