Harrisburg Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com

Harrisburg Christian Music
- ChristianMusic.com
Faith Presbyterian Church - Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

" Faith Church is a member congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA). Our mission is to demonstrate the love of Christ through service to others and to one another.

Our congregation’s focus is on having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ whom we believe is the Son of God, the risen Christ, who made the supreme sacrifice of dying for our sins that we might be saved. This is the foundation of our church and the source of our vitality."

The life of Faith Church is filled with activity: music, spiritual nurture, fellowship, missions, Northwood Nursery School, health & wellness ministries, Stephen Ministry and community outreach are all part of this vibrant church.

Chancel Choir performs at the 10:30AM service every Sunday from September through June.


Adult Bell Choir performs several times throughout the year including Christmas Eve and Easter.

Choir Chimers is geared to elementary age children. This group performs by playing tone chimes.

Youth Bells is for junior and senior high youth. This group performs by playing Bells.

Childrens' Choir is comprised of elementary age children that sing periodically in our services.

Spirit Singers is comprised of youth and adult voices. Contemporary selections are performed on various Sundays throughout the year.

Visit our web site for up-to-date information on our services and musical events.

Visit ... lifeinfaith.org

Faith Presbyterian Church
1801 Colonial Road
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17103
Phone: 717-545-GOD1

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