Altoona Christian Music -

Altoona Christian Music -
Community Bible Church - Altoona, Pennsylvania

Every Sunday those who are involved in a House-Church or other groups, those that considers themselves a part of Community Bible Church, gathers together.

We meet at a "church building" on the corner of North Sixth Avenue and North Sixth Streeet in the Juniata section of Altoona. Each week there is a time for worship (using the full range of songs and hymns and spiritual songs). There is a time to meet and to fellowship together over some food. There is also a time for teaching or sharing or prayer. Our gatherings are informal. You may come as you are.

Please realize the people are the church not the building. We meet in people´s homes and we gather in an old red brick building in Juniata.

NOTE: We also acknowledge that we are a part of the larger body of believers here in Altoona. So on occasion we may not be at our regular place on Sunday morning we may be enjoying fellowship with others in our community.

The people that make up Community Bible Church Gather at 10 AM Each Sunday Morning.

You are always welcome to come and fellowship with us at our weekly gathering or in our house-churches. Please realize that we believe in relationships. We ask that you do not break relationships with other believers because you like how we do things. However, if God has called you to join in a fellowship relationship with us we ask that you view that relationship in a serious manner. Remember, it is like being adopted into a family.

Visit ...

Community Bible Church
520 N 6th Avenue
Altoona, Pennsylvania 16601
Phone: 814-944-3712 - -
