Allentown Christian Music -

Allentown Christian Music -
Faith United Church of Christ - Allentown, PA

Established in 1952, Faith United Church of Christ is an energetic, dynamic congregation who fervently believes that God is still speaking to God’s people today.

Worship at Faith
Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m. is the gathering time in the sanctuary for our Traditional Worship service. Our Sunday bulletin can be viewed on our web site to gain a sense of what we do. Our worship services are underpinned by the statement from the United Church of Christ, "What We Believe" which is also on our web site.

There is a special time for young people offered each Sunday, which is usually given by the pastor. The children then leave for their church school classes under the direction of Faith's Commissioned Minister in Christian Education.

Our "Welcome & Praise" service is informal and "come as you are." It's held on the first and third Saturday each month at 5:30 p.m. in Faith's original sanctuary, now called Memorial Parlor. There's no bulletin, no nursery, no organ accompaniment, no hymnal. The leader of the service, who isn't always the pastor, will provide a message.

We celebrate Holy Communion the first Saturday each month. Song lyrics and scripture verses are projected onto a large screen, and we make a joyful noise while singing along with recorded music. Our renditions of the contemporary song "Awesome God" as well as the traditional hymn "Breathe On Me, Breath Of God" might not be "American Idol" material, but we do feel God's Spirit!

The church has been blessed by gifts of a multimedia projector, laptop computers, C.C.L.I. music and video licenses, and an enthusiastic planning committee. After worship, several usually go out for dinner together, and there's always room for more to join in. Fulfilling spiritual food followed by food and fellowship--what could be better?

From the various church committees, our Senior and Junior Choirs, and our Hand Bell Choir to our Sunday Movie Matinee and our youth group, the "Cool Dudes", there is something interesting and enlightening for all ages to participate in.

If you are seeking a church home, please consider joining us for worship or contacting our pastor with any questions. Please know you are truly welcomed here at Faith United Church of Christ!

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Faith United Church of Christ
2510 West Livingston Street
Allentown, Pennsylvania 18104
Phone: 610-435-0712 - -
