Eugene Christian Music -

Eugene Christian Music

Central Lutheran Church - Eugene, Oregon

We are a large congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America worshipping in Eugene, Oregon.
Central's Sunday worship services consist of traditional worship, based heavily on the Lutheran Book of Worship, at 8:15 A.M. and 10:45 A.M. on Sunday mornings in the sanctuary.
In the summer, the worship schedule is shifted slightly; traditional worship is at 9:00 A.M. and 10:45 A.M.. For the church seasons of Advent, Lent, Holy Week, Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, there are services at other times as well.

Our Ministry of Music
Music ministry has been one of Central's strengths since the moving to the present site; the outstanding acoustic in the sanctuary provides a sympathetic and beautiful setting for music ministry. Our musical instruments, the Brombaugh organ installed in 1976, and the Steinway grand piano (1986) along with sixty handbells (1985-present), have given further focus to the program through the years. Central has four choirs: the Central Chorale -- our adult fifty-voice singing choir, the Alleluia Choir for grades 5 through 9; the Children's Choir for grades 1 through 4, and the Central Handbell Choir for high school students and adults. The musical calendar at Central each year is a busy one and includes two sacred choral masterpieces presented by the Chorale with soloists and orchestra, The Procession of Lessons and Carols for Advent, Easter and Christmas services, either a youth musical or Broadway at Central along with regular Sunday schedules.

Our Organ
The instrument made by John Brombaugh was strongly influenced by the organs found in northwestern Europe of the 16th through 18th centuries. The design of the case as well as the scaling and building principles used for the pipes was inspired by close study of the work of Audreas de Mare and Arp Schnitger, builders from 1560 and 1700. There are three manuals and pedal, with tracker action and mechanical stop action. The organ contains 2,828 pipes in 64 ranks with 38 stops. The metal pipes were made in Brombaugh's shop of 98% lead, alloyed with tin, antimony, copper, and bismuth, following ideas of Hendrik Nichof in 1540 in Holland.

Central Lutheran concerts have been an outgrowth of the new organ, and many people have come to Central to hear well-known organists in recitals on the instrument. Most of these people are not members of the church, and thus the organ provides an avenue to reach out to others who may not otherwise have a connection with the church.

Visit our web site for more information on about us and our musical events.

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Central Lutheran Church
1857 Potter Street
Eugene, Oregon 97403

Phone: 541-345-0395 * *
