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New Covenant United Methodist Church - Edmond, Oklahoma

Imagine a place where everyone wants to know your name, share your joys and sorrows, carry your burdens and introduce you to someone who can change your life.

Our Sunday Services
9:15 a.m.

The Connection worship offers an opportunity to connect with God and our heritage through uplifting hymns, choruses and music by the Connection Choir combined with liturgies such as the Apostles' Creed and the Lord's Prayer, using technology to enhance the worship experience

10:45 a.m.
The Contemporary worship features the New Covenant Praise Band, praise songs, dynamic video and graphics combined with a culturally relevant sermon to help members and guests grow in their daily walk with God.

New Covenant presently offers podcasts of our Sunday sermons which are available for direct download from our web site or you can simply subscribe to our New Cov Podcasts if you have iTunes installed on your computer.

There's a plethora of activities, classes and events going on here at NCUMC. The most immediate method of keeping up is by subscribing to our electronic newsletter as well as watching the various blogs and our calendar on our web site.

New Covenant United Methodist Church is the place you have imagined. We invite you to become part of our community where we have room for everyone and want to introduce you to Jesus Christ, a man who lived, died, and rose from the dead...a man who is the son of God... the son of God who can transform your life, no matter where you are or what you are going through.

Visit ... ncovenant.org

New Covenant
United Methodist Church
2700 S. Boulevard Street
Edmond, Oklahoma 73013

Phone: 405-562-3200

Engagements.com * USAF.com
