Cincinnati Christian Music -

Cincinnati Christian Music
Christ Church Cathedral - Cincinnati, Ohio

We believe that God is the creator of all things and that God’s love is expressed in Jesus. Our union is not created because we all hold the same beliefs—we are people at every point along the spectrum of faith. We are joined to one another because all are fed around God’s table.

We are a liturgical church, which means that we have set forms of worship. Liturgy is the work of the people gathered together to celebrate God’s love.

The music program at the cathedral exists for many reasons: to glorify God; to edify the people; to provide an outlet for persons with God-given talent to exercise their gifts; to educate and to nurture; to contribute to the artistic life of the greater community; and to provide a community of respect and concern within the cathedral parish-the "choir family."

To this end, the cathedral supports the work of various choirs. This includes the newly formed Cathedral Choir for Boys & Girls for young singers, grades 3 to 12. The program combines music education and singing and is designed in such a way as to not interfere with singers' home parishes. The cathedral supports the work of diocesan parishes with this youth choir and also through occasional workshops and festivals for Episcopal church choirs and musicians.

The cathedral augments the artistic life of Cincinnati by offering Music Live at Lunch, a free bi-weekly Tuesday recital series, through occasional choir concerts and festival liturgies, and through the perennial Boar's Head and Yule Log Festival. In addition to the staple Anglican cathedral repertoire, the cathedral also actively supports the inclusion of both folk-based and studied music of African-Americans and aims to stimulate the creation of new works. The cathedral's pipe organ is a uniquely American-style Holtkamp.

The Cathedral Choir is an auditioned choir comprising both volunteers and professionals. This intense musical experience augments the liturgy with music from across the centuries, especially including newly created music of studied composers.

The Parish Choir is an auditioned choir of volunteers who sing for liturgies roughly two or three times each month. This welcoming musical experience emphasizes traditional Anglican church music.

The Cathedral Choir for Boys & Girls comprises young singers (girls in grades three through twelve and boys from third grade through voice change) from Cincinnati area Episcopal Churches.

The Cathedral Children's Chime Choir rings chimes in occasional liturgies about four times a year.

Lastly, the a Capella Chamber Choir which leads contemplative evensong services is known as "Faburden." This name comes from the early Anglican practice of harmonizing chant. As that name then implies, this professional choir sings mostly plainchant and chant-derived music from the very ancient and the very modern.

Visit our web site for audio of our sermons.

We invite you to worship with us, to meet our clergy, and to learn with us.

Visit ...

Christ Church Cathedral
318 East Fourth Street
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202

Phone: 513-621-1817 *

