Akron Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com

Akron Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com
Saint Luke's Church - Akron, Ohio

We are a church experiencing the renewing grace of God through powerful and specific ministries to His children.

What will be happening at Saint Luke's Anglican Church this Sunday?

Our service begins with 20-25 minutes of music ending with a time of corporate prayer. Song lyrics may be viewed on the overhead projection screens, or if you desire, an usher can provide you with a printed song sheet. Most of our collective prayers and responses are also shown on the screens.

A time of announcements and testimonies which highlight what God is doing in our lives follows, and our morning scriptures are presented. The pastor’s message comes next. Our worship closes with a prayer and a blessing.

What will you see?
Our worship here is as varied as our members. Therefore you will see
many different expressions of that worship. Some people stand, some sit, some dance with exuberance, some raise
their hands, some kneel or lie on the floor in quiet worship. We use flags and banners throughout the music. You will also occasionally see an artist painting during the music. Our pastors and servers wear robes and we celebrate communion at a central altar.

What will you hear?
You will hear a mixture of contemporary and traditional music that ranges from quiet and contemplative to loud and celebrative. So as some may stay very quiet, some may shout praises to the Lord Throughout our service, people from the congregation and or the pastors will speak out an encouraging and uplifting word from the Lord.

What do you have to do?
Feel welcomed and encouraged to join in as you feel comfortable and be blessed in the presence of our Father in heaven, Jesus our Savior, and the Holy Spirit.

Audio of our sermons is available on our web site. If possible, please take the opportunity to visit with us in person on any Sunday morning or for one of our many regularly scheduled events.

Visit ... stlukesakron.com

Saint Luke's Church
565 S. Cleveland-Massillon Road
Akron, Ohio 44333
Phone: 330-665-2227

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