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West Fargo Christian Music
- ChristianMusic.com
Hope Lutheran Church - West Fargo, North Dakota

We are a unique church, serving “one congregation at two locations.” Even though we have two campuses, we are served by the same staff, led by one leadership team and work together in all ministries as one congregation.

Our Contemporary Worship
If you grew up listening to pop or rock music on the radio, then this will most likely be your "heart language" when it comes to singing in worship. You are sure to be comfortable with a "worship team" up front. A worship team looks like a band with drums, bass, keyboard, guitars and singers. But don't be fooled - this is no performance. Worship is a full participation experience. The worship team is there to worship God and to encourage you to worship with them.

Traditional Worship
If you grew up going to a liturgical church (most likely Lutheran or Catholic) and enjoyed the responsive readings, sung liturgy, old hymns and maybe even a pipe organ, then this will probably be the service you can sing in your "heart language." But make no mistake - this isn't just for old timers. There are plenty of young parents who wish to pass on this rich heritage of worship. There are also young adults who have chosen this form for its sense of stability in the midst of our chaotic world.

The North Campus traditional service is led by organ with musical offerings from the Bells of Hope, Sanctuary Choir, Faith Steps and occasional featured musicians. Communion is offered the first Sunday of the month.

The South Campus traditional service is led by keyboard with musical offerings from the Praise Choir, Faith Steps and occasional featured musicians. Communion is offered every Sunday.

Our Music Ministry

Sanctuary Choir
This groups songs range from old time gospels to traditional hymns. They typically sing twice a month during worship. A men's and women's chorus sing special music once a month during worship.

Praise Choir
The Praise Choir is a wonderful group of singers who are committed to growing in their faith. Their songs are contemporary to fit the contemporary worship services. We typically sing once a month during worship.

Bells of Hope
This group plays approximately once per month during worship at the North Campus.

Visit our web site to listen to our services online and access up-to-date information on our services and musical events.

The best way to get to know what Hope Lutheran is all about is to experience it. You are invited to become involved immediately.

Begin to discover that Hope Lutheran is a place where lives are enriched and where faith can grow…in Christ.

Visit: fargohope.org

Hope Lutheran Church
North Campus
2900 Broadway North
Fargo ND 58102

Phone: 701-235-6629

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