Fargo Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com

Fargo Christian Music
- ChristianMusic.com
Bethlehem Lutheran Church - Fargo, ND

Bethlehem Lutheran Church is a faith community that gathers to hear, teach and share the Gospel. We are truly called by the Spirit to serve, recognizing that God calls us to be a neighbor to all.

Bethlehem Lutheran Church is a medium-sized church at 613 16th St S. in Fargo. Founded in 1955 as a mission congregation sponsored by Olivet Lutheran Church, the congregation now has over 1800
baptized members.

The church offers a variety of worship services and programs for people of all ages which allows the congregation to reach out and welcome people based upon their interests. As a congregation, we enjoy meeting people where they are and walking with them on their journeys of faith.

We offer two different worship services with Sunday School during each service. In the summer we do not have Sunday School and the worship services are the same.

9:00 - Traditional Service

10:30 - Contemporary Service

Our Music Ministry
Adult Choir
Contemporary Choir
Youth Choir

Even though we are a medium-sized congregation, we make an intentional effort to have meaningful relationships with our members and with people who are visiting the congregation. We truly want to be a "Church with a neighborhood feel."

Visit: bethlehemlutheranfargo.org

Bethlehem Lutheran Church
613 16th Street South
Fargo, ND 58102

Phone: 701-235-6522

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