Fargo Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com

Fargo Christian Music
- ChristianMusic.com
Plymouth Congregational United Church of Christ - Fargo, ND

Our Mission

"Jesus Christ calls the Plymouth Church family to fight the causes of poverty that lead to hunger and homelessness and to help those who are in need now."

Worship is central to our life together. We seek to experience God's Spirit every week as we pray, sing, cry, and laugh.

Come as you are! Following the example of our teacher and guide Jesus, we welcome you no matter who you are or where you are on life's journey. We want you to feel comfortable, so relax and be yourself. Our worship facility is handicapped accessible, but please don't hesitate to ask for assistance if you need it for any reason.

We worship at 10:30 on Sunday morning. Your children are welcome to sit with you during the service. Activity bags for preschoolers are available in the back of the sanctuary. We have a time called "Chancel Steps" especially for children. Or you can entrust children 4 and younger to the care of our toy-filled child-care room. From the Sunday after Labor day through May, we also offer a Sunday School Program for children ages 4 and older. There is no cost for the child-care or Sunday School.

Chancel Choir - Our congregation's choir speaks the language of music in our weekly worship service.

Visit our web site for audio of our sermons and to subscribe to our sermon podcasts.

We welcome guests any and every Sunday of the year!

Visit: plymouthfargo.org

Plymouth Congregational United Church of Christ
901 Broadway North
Fargo, ND 58102

Phone: 701-235-9226

Engagements.com * USAF.com
