Fargo Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com

Fargo Christian Music
- ChristianMusic.com
Atonement Lutheran Church - Fargo, ND

Worship is the heart of our Christian life and the heart of the Body of Christ, the church. Worship pumps the lifeblood through our life of faith. Therefore, worship at Atonement is designed to usher people into the presence of God. Because people come from different walks of life and traditions, Atonement offers three styles of worship. Each style gives the worshipper an opportunity to sing praises to God and hear His word in a teaching that is relevant and connects with daily life.

You are welcome to come to worship as you are. The diversity of dress in worship is as varied as is Atonement itself in age and background. You will find everything from jeans and t-shirt to shirts and ties and dresses. Children are not only welcome in worship but families are encouraged to attend together. Every service has a children's time for age appropriate teaching for younger children.

Traditions: Sunday 8:30 a.m.
Traditions worship is for families of all ages who love the well-known hymns, prayers and creeds of our faith. This service combines a variety of scripture, message, and music that give the worshipper a comfort of familiarity that never grows old.

Crossroads: Sunday 9:35 a.m.
The Crossroads worship service draws on the best of our faith traditions and contemporary worship music. The service will regularly feature both hymns of faith as well as music that can be heard on contemporary Christian radio stations. The worship is led by a worship team and will feature piano, guitar and often times other instruments. During the school year "Faith Factory" or Atonement's Sunday School meets simultaneously with Crossroads. The service is held in a worship space Atonement calls the ARK. The ARK is a gymnasium that has been designed to be conducive to worship.

Aflame Worship: Sunday 11:00 a.m.
The Aflame worship service is a contemporary worship service that is Spirit filled. The music is the best of what is being produced by contemporary Christian musicians today and often has a bit of an edge to it. The service is guitar driven and includes piano, drums, bass and occasionally other instruments. During the worship time it is common to see worshippers moving to the music, raising hands and occasionally a child who just has to dance in the aisle. The service is held in a worship space Atonement calls the ARK. The ARK is a gymnasium that has been designed to be conducive to worship.

Visit our web site to listen to our sermons or subscribe to our podcasts.

Visit: atonementfargo.org

Atonement Lutheran Church
4601 South University Drive
Fargo, ND 58104

Phone: 701-237-9651

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