Dickinson Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com

Dickinson Christian Music
- ChristianMusic.com
Dickinson United Methodist Church - Dickinson, North Dakota

Since 1883, the Dickinson United Methodist Church has been actively involved in the lives of everyday people. When the Twin Towers fell, we were here. When the Berlin Wall came down, we were here. When Neil Armstrong walked on the moon, Walter Cronkite broadcast nightly Vietnam War updates, and Howdy Doody first appeared on black and white TV sets in our Dakota living rooms, we were here.

We've been here in ministry through World War II... and World War I...and the Spanish-American War. We shared the love of Jesus Christ through the entire dust bowl and Great Depression. When Teddy Roosevelt was punching cattle in the Badlands, we were creating disciples in Dickinson. When the automobile was invented...and the airplane...and the toaster...and the ballpoint pen, we were already here on the corner of Third Street and First Avenue West.

It's not just our history. It's who we are today and will be for generations yet to come.

Our Worship Schedule
Wednesdays during the Summer
7:00 pm Celebration Service

Saturdays during the School Year:
5:00 pm Celebration Service

Sundays during the School Year:
10:00 am Worship with our Choir

Sundays during the Summer (Memorial Day to the Sunday after Labor Day):
9:00 am Worship with our Choir

Visit our web site for audio and podcast of our sermons.

If you're looking for a church to call home, please do check us out. We're not the perfect church for everyone, but....who knows?...we might just be perfect for you and your family!

Visit: dickinsonumc.org

Dickinson United Methodist Church
75 3rd Street West
Dickinson, North Dakota 58601

Phone: 701-225-6150

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