Bismarck Christian Music -

Bismarck Christian Music -
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - Bismarck, ND

Mission Statement:

We are a faith community committed to “Sharing the Shepherd’s Love” while growing in God’s unconditional love, following the Shepherd’s example, and claiming Joy, Hope and Peace for all of Bismarck/Mandan and beyond.

The sharing of our gifts in music, art, drama, and worship are important aspects of God's Music & Worship Ministry at Good Shepherd.

Our Adult Choral Ministry graces us with Anthems and Cantatas from September to May. You don't need to be a professional singer, just have a love of singing praises to God!

Opportunities range from small vocal ensembles to large choral groups.

The Celebrate! Worship Team is a talented group of 12 people that lead worship at two worship services each Sunday. The worship team consists of drums, piano and synthesizer, bass, electric and acoustic guitar, percussion and vocals. Their style ranges from rock and gospel to country and jazz utilizing the latest Christian worship music alongside old familiar songs that keep a “touch of Lutheran tradition”. Their unique blend creates one of the most versatile contemporary worship teams in the region.

Our Strikepoint Handbell Choir presents special music at worship and can often be heard playing the Liturgy at our Festival Worship on Sunday mornings..


Cherub Choir is for kids in grades K-2. It's a beginning choir where they learn about pitch, rhythm, and memorizing music. It's for those who’s wiggle and waggle is looking for age appropriate musical expression in church!

Joyful Singers is a children's choir for grades 2-6. This group is for kids who can read words, participate in a focused and attentive manner and are looking for a musical and dramatical expression in church!

Joyful Ringers is a Handchime Choir for kids in grades 3-6.

106 Osage Avenue, Bismarck, ND 58501
Phone: 701-255-1001

Please visit us at:

