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Raleigh Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com
Church of the Holy Cross - Raleigh, NC


At Church of the Holy Cross, we seek to be a place where members and friends may find meaningful opportunities for spiritual growth, whether they are just beginning to explore Christianity or are veterans of the Christian life. We highly value the diverse spiritual gifts and talents of our members and desire to help one another find meaningful ways to use them in the service of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom.

As a parish in the Anglican evangelical tradition, we offer sound biblical teaching and worship that embraces both traditional and contemporary expressions of the Christian faith.

Opportunities for visitors include coffee and fellowship after each service, newcomers’ classes, and Adult Education.

We are pleased to provide our sermons on our web site in both regular and streamed MP3 formats. Either one is suitable for users of dial-up connections.


The Music Ministry at the Church of the Holy Cross blends contemporary music with traditional hymns and anthems. A Praise Team of eight to ten musicians leads the congregation in worship each Sunday. A variety of instruments, including organ, piano, keyboard, percussion, trumpet, guitar, and bass, can be heard during our services. Before the service of Holy Eucharist begins at 10:00 a.m., the Praise Team leads a time of praise and corporate prayer. This prelude, which begins at 9:45 a.m., allows parishioners to prepare themselves for worship in an atmosphere of joyful voices raised to the Lord.

Whether you are just visiting or perhaps interested in joining our fellowship, we pray you will find Church of the Holy Cross a welcoming and loving place where you can feel God’s presence and peace.

Please join us for worship soon!

Visit ... HolyCross-Raleigh.org

Church of the Holy Cross
2301 West Millbrook Road,
Raleigh, NC 27612
Phone: (919) 788-0970


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