Brooklyn Christian Music -

Brooklyn Christian Music -
Grace Church - Brooklyn, New York

We welcome all – believers, seekers, and skeptics - to participate in our worship and programs, regardless of membership status. Whether or not you are a member, there is a place for you in our common search for God.


Grace Church Parish Choir
Music has always been extremely important to the worship life at Grace Church. Throughout its history, the music program at Grace Church has sought to preserve the rich history of the Episcopal Church, as well as to celebrate the diversity of music from different traditions and cultures.The Parish Choir, under the direction of Organist and Choirmaster, is composed of both parishioners and paid professional section leaders.The Choir sings at the 10:30 AM liturgy from mid-September to early June. Throughout the year, the Choir also present several Evensongs, the Annual Festival of Lessons and Carols in December and a major choral concert at the end of the year.

Music For Children
The Children's Choirs sing several times a year at the 10:30 am liturgy.

Grace Church Austin Organ
Grace's new Austin organ was consecrated on September 30, 2001 by the Right Reverend Rodney R. Michel, Bishop Suffragan of the Diocese of Long Island. The organ consists of four manual divisions and a pedal division controlled from a detached three-manual console place at the head of the south aisle. It consists of 69 ranks. Of the 69 ranks in the new instrument, 15 are from the Roosevelt organ of 1887. The East organ display pipes are from the Roosevelt organ.
Our fine organ is featured in three annual Organ Vespers presented by our organist and a guest instrumentalist. These are devotional services of readings, prayers, hymns and organ voluntaries presented at 5:00 PM on Advent I, Epiphany and Palm/Passion Sunday.


Grace Church presents
a number of concerts
and musical programs
during the year for the Parish and for the
wider Brooklyn and metropolitan communities. Many of these programs involve members and
friends of the parish.
Please call our Music
Office for an updated
concert schedule.

Whoever you are, wherever you come from, or whatever your doubts, you are always welcome in this “place of grace.” We invite you to join us.

Visit ...

Grace Church
254 Hicks Street
Brooklyn, New York 11201
Phone: 718-624-1850 *
