Keene Christian Music -

Keene Christian Music -
Keene Unitarian Universalist Church - Keene, NH

Unitarian Universalism is a faith without a creed. This means that UU's are encouraged to question and explore what is not known to them: such as what God is, or what happens after we die. The answers are not dictated. Unitarian Universalism is not a religion that claims to have all the answers. Each person is encouraged to seek and develop his/her own truth within a community of seekers.

Our Music Program
Music is an important part of our services and community life. The Unitarians were the first in Keene to use a pipe organ in services. Music programming is overseen by the Music Committee who meet once a month to help plan musical events.

Adult Choir
The Adult Choir is a wide range of ages and skill levels who sing a variety of music from classical to contemporary. They sing in two Sunday services each month, usually the second and fourth, and our Christmas Eve service.

The Musicale
The Musicale, co-sponsored by the Music and Religious Education Committees, is an annual event which features a diverse selection of performances from many talented individuals in our community. Singers, instrumentalists, poets, writers, and comedians of all ages are encouraged to participate.

Special Services
Special Services offer musicians of all ages opportunities to contribute their talents. Our Solstice Service has featured participation by our younger brothers and sisters in the RE program as well as the Sacred Circle Dance group. The Youth have a special opportunity to share their musical gifts on Youth Sunday.

For information on our services and musical event, visit our web site.

Visit ...

Keene Unitarian Universalist Church
69 Washington Street
Keene, New Hampshire 03431

Phone: 603-352-1719 - -
