Manchester Christian Music -

Manchester Christian Music
First Congregational Church - Manchester, New Hampshire

The center of our life is Sunday Morning Worship when we gather in a majestic and yet embracing 1879 sanctuary. The rare stained glass windows, the soaring ceiling and robust music declare our tradition, and yet our life together is marked by warm community, casual liturgy, integration of all generations, community outreach and homegrown artistic endeavors.

As a free church we respect the right and responsibility of individuals to make their own decisions about faith and practice. We preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ but welcome everyone.

The center of our music program is what the congregation hears, plays and sings each Sunday. Convened in and through the Spirit, we seek to raise music which praises God and honors Jesus Christ.

Singing Choirs:
The Chancel Choir, comprised of adults and youth, sings introits and anthems most Sundays.

The Youth Choir sings occasionally through the year.

The Carol Choir, comprised of children, sing occasionally through the year, especially on festival Sundays.

The Cherub Choir, comprised of the youngest children, sing occasionally through the year.

Bell-ringing Choirs:
The Sabbath Bells, made of adult ringers, plays occasionally through the year.

Jubellation, the youth bell choir, plays occasionally.

Special Events
Jazz services, Gospel nights, Christmas concerts, instrumental accompaniments, original musical dramas like the 2004-2005 Passion Play Jesus and the City, the triennial performances of Handel’s Messiah.

If you cannot join us in person, visit our web site for audio of our sermons and information on our upcoming musical events.

Visit ...

First Congregational Church
508 Union Street
Manchester, New Hampshire 03104

Phone: 603-625-5093 -
