Saint Paul United Methodist Church

Lincoln, Nebraska

Saint Paul Church is a vibrant and progressive congregation in the heart of downtown Lincoln. We decided ten years ago to remain downtown and be intentional about our ministry here -- near the University, near state and city government, in the midst of the financial and entertainment center of the city, and on the streets with the homeless and needy.

So we built a new building, then completely remodeled our 100-year-old sanctuary. Now children and youth, singles and families, seniors, recovering addicts, music lovers and seekers of meaning find hope and life here.

Music is a vital component for the worship services of our church, and we have many opportunities for you to share your gift of music. Our vocal choirs, small ensembles, and bell choirs provide special music throughout the year. This ministry also provides opportunities for an individual to serve as vocal soloist or instrumentalist.

The Chancel Choir sings a wide variety of sacred music at the 10:30 a.m. worship service on Sundays. Music from classical to modern will nurture your faith.

Mighty Water — This group is the praise combo for 9:00 worship service. Current instruments used are piano, guitar, drums, and flutes. It accompanies congregational praise songs and hymns, and plays its own instrumental music.

Rezounding Praise — This praise choir sings special anthems in the 9:00 worship service at least twice a month. They provide a variety of music ranging from current contemporary Christian music to adaptations of favorite hymns.

Reliance — This small ensemble consists of 6 female singers. They lead praise songs and hymns at the 9:00 worship service, and provide special contemporary anthems once a month.

JuBellance — This adult bell choir make some outstanding music contributions to our services throughout the year.

Cherub and Children's Choirs provide special music for both services 4 times a year.

If you cannot join us this Sunday, visit our web site for audio of our sermons.

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Saint Paul United Methodist Church
1144 M Street, Lincoln, NE 68501-3068
Phone: (402) 477-6951