Saint Mark's Pro Cathedral

Hastings, Nebraska

"Our Mission is to be the Body of Christ in our community. We strive to reflect the love and grace of Christ by being faithful stewards of our time, our treasure, and our gifts for ministry, living in a welcoming Parish family open to, and sharing of, God's love and work in a changing world."

The principal act of worship for Saint Mark's, as for all Episcopal churches is the Holy Eucharist (Holy Communion). Sundays at 8:00 a.m. the Eucharist is celebrated quite simply, without music. At the 10:00 a.m. celebration and on other great Christian days such as Christmas, music, led by the Cathedral choir is customary. Both celebrations include a sermon.

The Cathedral Choir leads the music of the Cathedral's worship at the 10:00 a.m. celebration of the Eucharist from the Sunday after Labor Day through the Feast of Pentecost.

Also in our music ministry is The Church School Choir and the Cathedral Brass.

The Newly Rebuilt Cathedral Organ

Saint Mark's organ, Opus 1789 from the Austin Organ Company, built and installed at Saint Mark's Pro-Cathedral in 1931, was completely rebuilt in 2003-04 by the Bedient Pipe Organ Company of Roca, Nebraska, and dedicated for use in our worship on August 29, 2004.

We extend a cordial welcome to you to worship with us.

Visit ...

Saint Mark's Pro-Cathedral
422 N. Burlington Avenue, Hastings, NE 68901
Phone: (402) 462-4126