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Hannaford Street Bible Church - Helena, Montana

Welcome to Hannaford Street Bible Church

At Hannaford Street Bible Church, we cherish the life-changing and life-giving message of Christ. Through our community and gatherings, we strive to connect people with God and each other while encouraging a lifestyle of worship, growth, and sharing.

We have a celebrative, upbeat, and vibrant style of worship. Our music is always God-honoring and relevant. While we sing contemporary songs led by a praise band and singers, we also sing some hymns and read scripture together at times. In either case, you won't feel uncomfortable as the words are projected on our video screen - we try to make it easy. We utilize dynamic music, compelling dramas, visual media, real-life stories, and Biblical teachings to inspire you to draw closer to God, family, and friends. In a sense there is something for everyone. Our services are relaxed with a positive, upbeat feel. On the last Sunday of each month at Hannaford, we celebrate Communion. Any believer in Christ is welcome to participate in this very special observance in which we are actively reminded how much God loves us. Check out a video sample of Hannaford worship here.

Hannaford Street Bible Church
830 N. Hannaford Street,
Helena, Montana 59601

Please visit us at: Hannaford.org

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