Kansas City Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com

Kansas City Christian Music
- ChristianMusic.com
Central Presbyterian Church - Kansas City, Missouri

With God’s help we bring together people to worship and work for Christ through prayer and praise, community action and ministries of compassion, spiritual fellowship and nurture.

The heart of the Christian community is regular worship. We gather at 10:30 am each Sunday to acknowledge God present in the world and in our lives; to hear the Word of God, to offer ourselves to God and be equipped for service in the world. Through song, prayer, story and proclamation we thoughtfully and joyfully ascribe praise to God.

Music is an essential part of our worship and takes the form of congregational singing, vocal and hand bell choir offerings and instrumental expression.

The vocal choir ordinarily sings an anthem for the 10:30 am worship service.

The four octave hand bell choir provides music leadership for worship at least quarterly.

The centerpiece of the sanctuary’s chancel is the console for a three rank Austin pipe organ. A grand piano allows for different musical styles and also organ/piano duets.

The church carillon chimes hymns for the neighborhood to hear three times a day.

Different seasons call for special music. During December, special Sunday morning services for Hanging of the Greens and Decorating the Christmas Tree are carried by the singing and hearing of Advent and Christmas music. On the fifth Sunday of those months that have five Sundays, worship is shaped by congregational selection of favorite hymns.

The Summer Peace Garden Concert Series brings in local talent to perform on the garden stage one Sunday evening each month of June, July, August and September. Concerts are free and are a gift of the congregation to the community.

Visit our web site for information on our current and upcoming musical events.

Visit ... centralpreskc.org

Central Presbyterian Church
3501 Campbell Street
Kansas City, Missouri 64109

Phone: 816-931-2515

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