Florissant Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com

Florissant Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com
Saint Andrew United Methodist Church - Florissant, Missouri

Welcome to St. Andrew UMC…
A Place for Your Heart to Call Home

At St. Andrew we believe that music is one of the driving forces of worship. We have a long and illustrious history of beautiful music in our worship services; we continually strive to improve our music as we go forward. Music connects us with the heart of God by engaging our senses. An average worship service will contain approximately fifteen separate pieces of music; some services may have as many as twenty.

Worship services may include any (and sometimes all) of the following during one service: traditional organ music, piano solo, contemporary praise choruses, congregational singing of hymns, instrumental solos and ensembles, choral singing, gospel band with hand clapping by the congregational and reverent solo singing.

Visit our web site for information on our services and upcoming special musical events.

We hope you enjoy the music of St. Andrew and will join in being a part of providing it if the Lord leads you to do so.

Visit ... saintandrewumc.net


Saint Andrew United Methodist Church
3975 North Highway 67
Florissant, Missouri 63034

Phone: 314-837-4233

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