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Jackson Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com
First Presbyterian Church - Jackson, Mississippi

As one communion in the worldwide church, the Presbyterian Church in America exists to glorify God by extending the kingdom of Jesus Christ over all individual lives through all areas of society and in all nations and cultures. To accomplish this end the PCA aims to fill the world with churches that are continually growing in vital worship, in theological depth, in true fellowship, in assertive evangelism and in deeds of compassion.

The Music Ministry prepares those to whom God has given the gift of music for leadership in the worship services of the church.  Training is offered to our children and youth to give them a knowledge and love of music that allows them to fully participate in worship as they grow to maturity.  Training and service is offered by the Music Ministry in these areas:

ADULT CHOIR - A choir of more than one hundred voices leads in both morning services of the church.  At special services throughout the year the choir sings the larger works of the great choral literature, accompanied by orchestra and organ.

ADULT ENSEMBLES - A number of different men’s, women’s, and mixed ensembles are assembled on an on call basis to lead in the evening worship. These offer members who are too busy to make a regular commitment to the adult choir an opportunity to lead in worship.

CHOIRS FOR TEENAGERS - Choral ensembles for junior highs and senior highs also assist in worship. These groups rehearse on Sunday nights according to seasonal arrangements.

CHILDREN’S CHOIRS - As with every aspect of the church’s life, children receive much attention in musical training. A full children’s choir ministry, consisting of six choirs, is conducted on Wednesday evenings from 7:00-7:30 for children from four years through sixth grade. The program includes training in basic musical concepts, instruction in singing, Bible stories, musical recreation, and musical presentations.

Sunday Morning Worship Service.   10:00 am - 11:00 am Sunday.  The complete Sunday morning service, ususally recorded the previous week, is available on Jackson television station WLBT Channel 3.   The Sunday morning service is closed captioned - the only church service in the state providing this service - ministering to the hearing impaired and the elderly. A large number of our church members work in the television, radio, and sound ministries of First Presbyterian Church using their gifts to further God’s kingdom.

First Things.    9:00 am - 9:30 am Sunday.  First Things is the weekly radio program carried live on Jackson radio station WJNT News/Talk 1180 AM.    Format consists of interviews, devotional messagesand panel discussion of contemporary social and theological subjects.  You will need Real Audio to listen, which may be downloaded from the WJNT web site.

- Opportunities for adults and selected children exist for playing handbells. The adults perform in the community on many occasions and the children meet on Wednesday evenings.

1390 North State Street, Jackson, Mississippi 39202
(601) 353-8316

Please visit us at: FPCJackson.org


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