Plymouth Christian Music -

Plymouth Christian Music
Saint Philip the Deacon Lutheran Church - Plymouth, Minnesota

At St. Philip the Deacon our mission is to “Reach out to all God’s people. Proclaim God’s word at every opportunity. Inspire people to do God’s will.”

Sanctuary Choir

The Sanctuary Choir is made up of Senior High students and adults of all musical abilities and sings regularly at the 8:30 and 9:45 services on Sundays and also on special holidays. The choir sings anthems of all musical styles, a cappella and accompanied.

SPD Singers
The SPD Singers is a group of students who love to sing together and perform music of all kinds.

Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir is made up of children in 3rd through 5th grade and sings once a month for worship services. Songs of varying styles are learned and performed at worship and concerts throughout the year.

Dynamic Deacons
The Dynamic Deacons are made up of children in Kindergarten through 2nd grade. They sing approximately once a month for worship.

SPD Quartet
The SPD Quartet is a professional quartet of singers that leads worship at 8:30 and 9:45 throughout the year and also sings for special holidays and services.

Network is a professional band which accompanies Contemporary Worship.

Our Pipe Organ
Our pipe organ, built by the Schantz Organ Company for St. Philip the Deacon, is a three-manual (keyboard) and Pedal instrument of 51 ranks (sets of pipes). Of the 3,072 pipes in the organ some are as small as a pencil while others, some in the facade, are nearly 18' in length. Two of the organ's divisions (keyboards) are "expressive" with louvered shutters that are controlled by foot pedals on the console. There is a 5 HP electric blower located in the lower level of the church that supplies wind to the instrument. The organ console is moveable and features a multi-level combination system and record-and-playback capability.

While the design of the organ was inspired by its primary role, that of leading congregational worship, the organ is well-endowed with stops from all families of organ tone and is capable of playing a wide variety of organ literature.

It is an instrument steeped in the traditions of historic organbuilding yet built with an eye toward the future generations of worshippers at St. Philip the Deacon Lutheran Church.

We invite you to join us as partners in the gospel, carrying out the ministry God has called us to.

Visit ...

Saint Philip the Deacon Lutheran Church
17205 County Road 6
Plymouth, Minnesota 55447

Phone: 763-475-7100 - -
