Eagan Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com

Eagan Christian Music
- ChristianMusic.com
Advent United Methodist Church - Eagan, Minnesota

"Welcome to Advent UMC! We are a vibrant and growing church community that welcomes everyone. Our mission is to cooperate with the Holy Spirit inviting all people into relationship with Jesus Christ through engaging worship, service and spiritual growth."

Advent is proud of the many musical opportunities available to inspire those of all ages. Our choirs provide a rich, uplifting backdrop to regular Sunday worship, holidays and special worship time.

A-Men: Men’s Ensemble

The A-Men is an all male group singing a wide variety of gospel and contemporary music.

Advent Adult Choir
This choir sings at both services on the first and third Sundays of the month.

Rejoice is a self-directed group of women's voices. They sing on the second Sunday of the month.

Second Prayer
Second Prayer is our Praise Band.

Advent Brass
This is a growing group of instruments of all abilities and ages which accompany hymns during worship and occasionally the Advent Choir.

Blessed is our newest formed group consisting of young voices 13-18 years of age, singing Christian contemporary music.

Cherub Choir
Cherub Choir is for our youngest singers. Children age 3 - 2nd Grade. They sing in church about every six to eight weeks.

Flute & Clarinet Choir
This group consists of flute players of all abilities and ages who will perform during worship services.

In addition, Advent offers an annual Jazz Sunday each spring, featuring Fritz, our own trumpet-playing pastor, part of the Jazz ensemble the Jumpin’ Jehosefats! Jazz Sunday is a much anticipated event that has been a fun and energizing addition to our musical repertoire. Don’t miss it!

Visit our web site for audio of our sermons and to listen to sample music from our choirs.

Please visit and see if this could be the next step in your journey of faith.

Visit ... advent-umc.com

Advent United Methodist Church
3945 Lexington Avenue South
Eagan, Minnesota 55123

Phone: 651-454-3944

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