Brooklyn Park Christian Music -

Brooklyn Park Christian Music
Family of God Lutheran Church - Brooklyn Park, MN

When you attend worship at Family of God, you take your place among the people of God gathered around Word and Sacrament. The worship format is grounded in our liturgical heritage and combined with the best of musical expression and new and cross-cultural resources. Both worship hours are alike--a sign of the unity of the body of Christ and an opportunity for all to worship with the best of the old and the new.

Chancel Choir - Adults
Generally sing the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month and sing a wide variety of music.

Senior High Choir - Grades 10-12
Begins in the middle of October.

All-in All Choir - Grades 6 - 9
Alternates on a monthly basis with the Handbell Choir.

Jubilate Singers - Grades 3 - 5
Sings one Sunday per month at the 10:30 service

Alleluia Singers - Age 4 - Grade 2
Sings primarily the 4th Sunday of each month at the 10:30 service.

Handbells - Grades 6 - Adult
Alternates on a monthly basis with the All-in-All Choir. Both of these groups will primarily sing or play at the 9:00 service.

Soloists & Ensembles - All Ages
Vocal or instrumental music for preludes, offering and during Holy Communion any time of the year.

We celebrate new members joining the Body of Christ in this place. We also celebrate the presence of friends of the congregation and visitors not ready for the step of membership.

Visit ...

Family of God Lutheran Church
8625 Zane Avenue North
Brooklyn Park, MN 55443

Phone: 763-424-8625 *
