Warren Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com


Warren Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com
St. Peter's Lutheran Church - Warren, Michigan


Like our good shepherd who holds all people in love, the church is called to lead those who thirst for living waters. At the banquet table set before us, the shepherd who lays down His life for the lost gives Himself to us. Here is a great promise: Christ leads us through the shadows and valleys of life.

He will neither abandon nor forget us He is with us, now and forever.


We believe there’s nothing like the sound of a choir!

Included in our music ministry are several choirs, singing in both English and German. Currently we have three bell choirs each unique in their sounds.



You can listen to selections of our choir's music from our web site. You can also listen to our sermons on-line, watch Mosaic Videos, access our site in the German language or listen on live German radio.

We're glad you have found us and perhaps you will worship with us one Sunday at either our English or German services, perhaps become a part of our community here at St. Peter's Lutheran Church.

May the Holy Spirit be with you and yours!

Visit ... stpeterswarren.org

St. Peter's Lutheran Church
11423 Chicago Road,
Warren, Michigan 48093
Phone: 586-979-3850

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