Grand Rapids Christian Music -

Grand Rapids Christian Music
Fountain Street Church - Grand Rapids, Michigan

Fountain Street Church believes that "the secret to a meaningful life is to spend it on something larger than your own." Everyone has something to give that can change the world. We want to turn this dream into reality, not just for ourselves but for everyone.

Fountain Street Church has brought enlightened thinkers and enterprising musicians to Grand Rapids, fulfilling its civic and religious duty to serve and lead the greater West Michigan community - such notables as Winston Churchhill, Linus Pauling, Eleanore Roosevelt and Robert Frost are among the over 100 speakers who have challenged the mind and stirred the conscience from this Free Pulpit.
A great number of gifted performers from Dave Brubeck to Ella Fitzgerald, Duke Ellington to Arlo Guthrie - have thrilled the heart and soothed the soul from this great chancel.
For current and upcoming events visit our web site.

Junior Choir - boys and girls in grades 1 thru 5.

Ars Nova - youth in grades 6 thru 12. This group performs in worship about once a month and at special services such as the late Christmas Eve service, Easter Day, and Reverence for Life Sunday. The group also provides music for an FSC summer service and sometimes sings in other churches.

Adult Choir - sings in worship almost every Sunday from September 1 to early June, and on Christmas Eve, Good Friday, and other special occasions. The choir’s primary purpose is to contribute a variety of excellent music in worship at Fountain Street Church.

Our sermons are televised throughout the week. Visit the Worship / Broadcast Schedule of our web site for station information and times. Audio of them is available on the Library / Archived Sermon section of our web site.

Fountain Street Church is far from perfect. But we have a dream, and we hope you share that dream with us. One thing is certain, we need you to help us make that dream come true.

You can visit us at -

Fountain Street Church
24 Fountain Street
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503
Phone: 616-459-8386 *

