Bay City Christian Music -

"Westminster is here to serve God and humanity, sharing the love of Jesus through faith, hope, and love, with an open and genuine spirit."

Westminster's congregation currently has over 450 members spanning several generations and a variety of backgrounds.

Westminster sanctuary holds many worshipers, a large pipe organ, and includes such amenities as air conditioning, and complete wheelchair access.

Westminster Presbyterian Church is proud of the many groups that have developed from our organization. Westminster Presbyterian Church is a dynamic, diverse congregation that appreciates and embraces a variety of musical styles and worship experiences. The music ministry at Westminster Presbyterian Church is an integral part of the worship life of the congregation. It seeks to express the love and glory of God and enhance the worship experience through inspiring and artistic expression of praise.

Our services are often punctuated with laughter and applause as we share our gifts of hospitality and music. Our hymns are sung with gusto; our chancel choir and bell choirs regale us with joyful noise; the word of scripture is read and proclaimed with relevance; and we are sent into the world to love and serve the Lord through acts of compassion and grace.

The Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir leads the music for worship in the 10:30 a.m. service and for special services during the year.

Handbell Choirs
Historically, bells have played an important role in calling parishioners to worship or prayer. Without modern telecommunication conveniences, bells were important tools in conveying important events. Often large cast bells would toll to remind the faithful of morning or evening prayers, to signal deaths or celebrations such as marriages or baptisms. Since 1990 handbells have been a part of the worship experience at Westminster Presbyterian Church.

Adult Hand Bell Choir
The Adult Hand Bell Choir ring 5 octaves of Malmark handbells and Choir chimes. The bells are often seen in worship not only playing anthems and service music, but also accompanying hymns, and accompanying vocal choirs.

Junior Hand Bell Choir
Junior Hand Bell Choir is an intermediate level handbell choir for youth in grades 6 through 12. Ringers play during the worship services once every 6 weeks.

Chime Choir
Designed to teach children the joys of music and handbell ringing, Bells welcomes children in grades 3-5. Joy Bells ring at least four times per year for worship.

If you are looking for a home, a place where you will be embraced and cared for, come join us and discover anew the depth of God’s love for you. All are welcome at Westminster!

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Westminster Presbyterian Church of Bay City
103 East Midland Street
Bay City, Michigan 48706
Phone: 989-686-1360
