Cambridge Christian Music -

Cambridge Christian Music -
The Memorial Church - Cambridge, MA

The Memorial Church is the church for Harvard University, dedicated on Armistice Day 1932 in memory of those who died in World War I, a gift of the alumni to the University. This Church has long been regarded as the symbolic center of Harvard's spiritual life, and stands opposite Widener Library as a visible reminder of the historical and spiritual heritage that has sustained Harvard for nearly four centuries.

The Memorial Church maintains a diverse program of music: From the Harvard University Choir, whose singing enlivens services of worship, to the Pusey Room Chamber music series which showcases Harvard talent, to organ recitals, music is an important part of the life of the Church and the University.

Music in The Memorial Church is provided by the Harvard University Choir, whose members are undergraduate and graduate students in the University.

The Harvard University Choir
Approximately 50 singers form the Sunday Choir, a group that performs a wide range of choral literature weekly for the Sunday services of The Memorial Church in Harvard Yard.

Organ Masterworks
At each Sunday service, one of the great masterpieces of organ literature is presented as the postlude.

On the first Thursday of every month, the a subset of the choir presents a candlelit service of Compline. This completely a cappella service features everything from Gregorian chant to modern anthems.

The Choral Fellows
The Choral Fellows are a group of sixteen dedicated singers drawn from the Sunday Choir who additionally perform in the daily Morning Prayers services in Appleton Chapel, one of Harvard’s oldest traditions.



The Harvard Baroque Chamber Orchestra
The Harvard Baroque Chamber Orchestra is one of America’s only undergraduate early music orchestras.

The Harvard Baroque Chamber Orchestra (HBCO) is a small chamber orchestra dedicated to bringing back to life the vivid rhetoric and dancing rhythms of baroque music.

HBCO performs two concerts of orchestral music annually, and collaborates with the University Choir on larger-scale projects.

Harvard University Choir Collected Recordings

Over the years, the Harvard University Choir has made many professional recordings. They are available to purchase from our web site along with audio sample of each.

Preaching of a high order is a tradition here, a tradition renewed every year when the pulpit is occupied by world religious leaders as well as by its resident clergy.

Come experience for yourself, the beautiful sounds at The Memorial Church.

Visit ...

The Memorial Church
1 Harvard Yard, Cambridge,
Massachusetts 02138
Phone: 617-495-5508 * *
